Monday, March 26, 2012

Defining Brands

Lately in class we have been studying the four types of brands:

  1. Fast Brand - get to the point, 1 2 3 Action
  2. Strong Brand - represents the mother, valuable possession
  3. Social Brand - you belong within the group, you feel safe and comfortable
  4. Smart Brand - winner, cool and trendy
When discussing the differences in brands it is much easier to look at a specific type of companies. For example, fast food restaurants.

  1. Fast Brand - Pizza Hut, you call or submit your order online, they deliver it immediately. They mainly have pizza and bread sticks, not many options.
  2. Strong Brand - McDonald's - represents that it is all over the world, no matter where you are in the world you can find one and count on them to find a hamburger
  3. Social Brand - Subway - you belong within the group, they try to emphasize the health benefits and reach out to the population with real life stories, such as Jared
  4. Smart Brand - Starbucks would be a good example because they try to show that they are trendy and cool, above everyone else

One brand isn't better than another, they just use different tactics in their advertising efforts. When you look at your favorite brands what category would they fall into?

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