Sunday, February 19, 2012


In the movie Art & Copy, they often referred to advertising as pollution.  I often agree that the majority of advertising isn't entertaining, meaningful or artful. I decided to look and find some ads that I have enjoyed in the past few months. Surprisingly, I can't honestly say that I have purchased any of the items that they are advertising, at least not in the past few months, but I still enjoyed these commercials, and I remembered them after seeing them.

This ad reminds me of a colleague who would freak out whenever there was a spider nearby. He once had one of our disable children patients kill a spider for him when we saw one at work one day. This commercial is interesting and humorous. The characters are relatable, and I can almost see this happening in real life.

When I asked my husband what his favorite commercial was recently he immediately showed me this clip. Once again the commercial is humorous and relatable. How many times have you seen an older man wearing a ridiculous toupee? How many times have you, yourself worn something ridiculous to to impress someone? I look back at some of the outfits I have worn over the years - the stirrups and and headbands of the 80s, the low rise bell bottoms of the 90s, and in college in 03-07 I wore the too short mini skirts.

The m&m characters have taken on personalities all their own. I look forward to the new m&m commercials. At Christmas the commercials that say "He does exist" when Santa and the green m&m meet, or the "hungry eyes" commercial advertising the new pretzel m&ms. This new ad is once again humorous and includes loud popular music.

The Superbowl commercials have become very popular. Pepsi has used celebrities to make a splash in the Superbowl commercial arena. This year they seemed to take it up a notch including Elton John, Flava Flav, and Melanie Amaro (the X-Factor winner). The costumes were dramatic and the music was an important part of this advertisement.

Another commercial that was memorable from the Superbowl was the "Dog Strikes Back" selling the new Volkswagon. I guess, in looking at all the commercials I selected, I enjoy the commercials that are humorous. This one falls in that category, as well as it has catchy music to help tell the story.

I think all five of these commercials would not fall in the category of pollution - however, as I said they have not enticed me to go out and purchase any of the items that they are selling.

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